Ok...just so you know, I'm about to launch a small tirade here...On Friday morning last week I was doing what I normally do before heading out to school. I was downloading some daily freebies from a scrapbooking site. These freebies were located on 4shared. While downloading, I noticed that my computer began to act really wonky. Now, I've gotten many viruses and trojans in the past few months and had to clean up the mess afterwards. So, I recognized the wonkiness that I was seeing and immediately stopped what I was doing and began to run antivirus programs. It immediately caught one virus and 3 trojans. I left this program running while off to work I went.
Well, wonder of all wonders, when I arrived home 6 hours later.....the antivirus programs were still running. Not sure what was going on here. Long story short.......After getting rid of an additional 10 trojans, there is either something still on my computer or something has corrupted Internet Explorer. However, I downloaded Firefox and realized that I can get on the internet with it. I'm wondering....why is this? I know I should be grateful that I can have a browser that doesn't send me to a website that I didn't ask for or pop up the page saying I'm infected and need to purchase this specific product. But, I would really like to know.....IS this BEAST still on my computer.......or is my Internet Explorer just corrupted? If you know the answer to this....please let me know!
Now since all this started and I was at 4shared....and I've heard others talking about their horrors there....I have decided that I will no longer use the 4shared site.
So, If you know how to set up a zen cart....please, I need help....I want to have one set up for my personal use to give away my freebies. This way, I don't have to send anyone to a site that may or may not give them a virus or trojan.
Until Next Time!