At Random by
Michael Henry
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Michael Henry did an awesome job with the twists and turns in the plot of At Random.
Willie Mitchell Banks is now my favorite character in a book. He is fit, strong, intelligent, and holds to his beliefs. Willie Mitchell is definitely a solid 3D character. It is almost as if he could step out of the book and shake your hand..Of course the rest of the characters are well-rounded out as well. Willie Mitchell is just my favorite.
The book is set mainly in Mississippi...maybe that is part of the reason I love it. Almost nobody uses Mississippi as a setting. Other places in At Random are parts of Louisiana, and Memphis, Tennessee. The descriptions of these places are 'spot on' and this Mississippi girl should know. Of course, Michael Henry is a native of Louisiana and now resides in Mississippi so he wouldn't have any difficulty uses these settings.
The story begins with El Moro handling a huge drug deal in the Louisiana swamps. As El Moro heads for Memphis, he has a car accident with none other than some sheriff's deputies in Jackson, Mississippi. When the accident happens.....the trunk of his vehicle pops open and money begins to fly everywhere. This is where we find out El Moro has five million dollars in his trunk from the drug deal.
El Moro sustains a head injury in the accident, but doesn't want to be caught with all that money flying around so he runs... high-jacks a car and keeps going..but with the head injury he runs off the road and this is where he ends up killing a deputy sheriff in another town in Mississippi.
It only gets better and better from this point on. We meet Willie Mitchell's son, Jake and Agent Dunne along with several other characters. Some I loved....others like the "Professor" I hated....even more than El Moro. Actually, I didn't hate El Moro...I just didn't like what his character did. But, the "Professor" on the other hand...he reminded me of all the politician types that are trying to climb up to the next level in politics.
Anyway...I'm not going to give any spoilers on this book...but it was FABULOUSLY written and I totally enjoyed the entire book....but I really LOVED the way Michael Henry pulled off the twist at the end. Now since I didn't give it have to go read it to find out what I'm talking about.
I would definitely recommend this book to all my friends. It is well-written, with believable , well-rounded characters and fantastic story line.
This book was chosen by the Blue Biscuit Book Club in Indianola, Mississippi as their November book to read. I look forward to joining in on the discussion of this book with the other members of the club and the author, Michael Henry on November 17, 2011 at the Blue Biscuit Grill.
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