I don't have a personal FREEBIE for you today...BUT.....I happen to know of a site that has quite a few FREEBIES in their gallery for the taking......it is Moo Two Designs. They are hosting a Designer Contest Right Now and there are some FABULOUS looking Vintage Christmas kits just hanging out in the gallery waiting to be downloaded.
The catch is.....You must register at the site....it only takes a few moments....and....Please leave some love behind when you take the kits....it means a lot to the person that made it...they are in a contest and need all the love they can get. Also, Please go HERE and vote for your two (2) FAVORITE kits...like I said....it is a CONTEST....we are all out here trying to get votes for all these BRAVE designers that jumped into this contest.
Take a look at this advertisement....it was made with some of the items that you will find in the kits. Isn't it just scrumptious looking??

When you download these gorgeous kits....PLEASE take a moment to leave some love and VOTE!! It doesn't take long to do that. BTW....this is Week 2 of the contest....and you can still get the Week 1 kits FREE as well..
Wishing you all a GREAT Week to come!!
Until Next Time!!!
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