For as long as I can remember, I have had a camera to point and shoot my family, friends, pets, you name it. I have always been the "one" behind the camera. I have some photos that no one wants seen because I seem to just click, click, click most of the time.
However, here recently, I have begun to look more into the "subjects" of my photography and have taken a REAL interest in the learning aspects of what is behind all of this 'point & shoot'.
Since I don't have any small children at home....most of my photos are likely to be my cat Furby or Furbs as he is called most of the time, or perhaps my dear sweet husband.....who tolerates my incessant clicking without too much complaint. Actually Furbs complains more than the husband.
I don't have an expensive camera. I just use a Kodak EasyShare C533....but for now..that is fine while I learn more about the finer aspects of photography.
I took these photos yesterday evening.

And of of my DH...Charles.

I would love to see your comments on my photos....I am an amateur and trying to learn about photography...It has always been a passion of any constructive comments are quite welcome. DIL put me on to this has all sorts of great might want to check it out.
I Heart Faces.
Until Next Time!!