Now, before you get all upset with me.....I have been the latest subject of this person who goes around looking for spelling and grammatical errors in the cyber world.
I will be the first to admit, that I will sometimes make and error in spelling. However, I do generally catch those errors prior to sending anything out to anyone. But, this morning, I made up a sale graphic for my ad and quickly looked it over and caught one error, corrected it and moved on. I sent this ad out through 10 different yahoo advertising groups.
This afternoon, I notice that I had some comments to moderate and low and behold...there it was. So I jumped right over to the blog to see what was going on with me being the object of attention on someone's blog that I don't even know. You can check out the ad
HERE. Now, since I don't know whether this person behind the blog is male or female, I will just say the blog owner. I left the blog owner a comment using my real identity. I will not hide from my mistakes. If I make them, I will own them. That is the way I was raised. BTW...I was born and raised in the south and we are taught to be kind and respect others. So, instead of going off on the blog owner, I thanked her for letting me know...however, I think it would have been much more appropriate to notify me personally. But, that is my opinion and I do believe in the right to free speech.
OK...dear friends...let me know what you think about this blog and the service the blog owner is providing. I can't wait to see how you feel.
Until next time!